A charming Spanish joke
Here's my sketchy translation (the original follows, thank you clueless coworkers!):
Two peasants, Juan and Maria, who are preparing to go to the countryside, begin the following conversation:
"Hey Juan, what is reincarnation?"
"Oh, Maria. Get on the donkey*, here next to me, and on the way I’ll explain."
Once on the way, both now riding on the donkey, Juan says to her:
"Look, Maria do you see that cow? That could be your aunt Gertrudis in her new life."
Next he says:
"Look, see those pigs that are over there in the mud? They could be your uncle José and your brother Paco, the ones that drowned in the river."
And Maria’s blood is beginning to boil.
"Look, Maria, and see that filthy dog? Well that could be your cousin Cipriano."
Suddenly Maria starts to sob and Juan, surprised, asks her:
"Why do you cry?"
She answers him:
"Oh Juan, I feel very sad…"
"But why Maria?"
"Because likely we are sitting on your whore mother."
Dos campesinos, Juan y Maria, que se preparan para ir al Campo a realizar sus tareas, comienzan la siguiente conversación:
"Ay, Maria. Súbete a la burra, aquí junto a mí, y en el camino te lo explico."
Ella le contesta:
"Pero por que Maria?"
"Porque a lo mejor venimos sentados en tu puta madre."
* I wonder if this was a burra català … quick somebody call CAC!
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